Here's what you'll find below:
1. How to Use this Guide
2. BCSTH Publications
3. Major Sources with Emergency and Help-Line Supports, Fact Sheets, and Help for Everyone
4. Resources for Anti-Violence Workers
5. Resources for Women
6. Resources for Children and Youth
7. Deeper Reading, Research and Reports
1. How to Use This Guide
To support Transition House and other anti-violence workers, CWWA and VIP counsellors, the BCSTH Library has these practical resources - organizations, fact sheets, workbooks, videos, books, etc. - on the topic of mental wellness and substance use.
How can you use these resources? Use them to:
- provide practical supports to women and children, such as help-lines fact sheets, and workbooks, including materials in a variety of languages
- develop programs for women and children
- support anti-violence workers' self-care
- support anti-violence workers' ongoing professional development
- evaluate resources to add to your organization (order fact sheets, borrow books to evaluate before purchasing for your library, etc)
2. BCSTH Publications
BCSTH also has an online "Lunch and Learn" webinar on "Supporting Children with Varying Levels of Substance Use and Mental Wellness."
3. Major Sources with Emergency and Help-Line Supports, Fact Sheets, and Other Help for Everyone
Here To Help [website] - This is BC's main resource for information and support on mental health and addictions for individuals, family members, and professionals.
It includes:
- How to get help - Phone numbers for emergencies, help lines, etc.
- Self-help resources - A wide variety of topics, for different audiences, in different formats
- Material in a variety of languages - Fact sheets for non-English speakers
- Plainer English materials (very easy to understand) along with audio recordings - Fact sheets for those with reading or comprehension challenges
- Safer use (harm reduction) information - Ways to reduce risks when using substances
- Workbooks - Online or hard copy (BCSTH Library has some hard copy workbooks for loan)
- Wellness modules - Wellness info that may also be helpful for TH workers' self-care
- Order publications - Free publications you can order for your staff and clients
- and much more
Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre [website] - This is BC's information source for children, youth and families.
It includes:
- Finding help - emergency and non-emergency numbers, plus a Help Finder Tool - for navigating the mental health system
- Cross-cultural resources - materials in a variety of languages, plus resources for immigrant and refugee children and youth
- Interactive toolkits, e.g., for health living - that CWWA counsellors may wish to explore
- Resources for school professionals - that CWWA counsellors may find interesting
- and much more
Canadian Mental Health Association [website] - CMHA is a Canada-wide voluntary organization providing services, supports, and information.
It includes:
Other Associations - In addition to the sources above that provide links to a wide variety of supports,
consider Canadian and BC associations for specific mental health conditions such as Mood Disorders Association of BC, Schizophrenia Association, etc.
BC Mental health and Substance Use Services [website] - Find out about health care services and resources offered through BC's provincial health service.
It includes:
- Crisis information - Phone numbers and where to get help
- A BC division with local branch offices - Connect with your local office
- Local resources - Phone numbers and supports
- Information sheets and publications - View online or order copies to give out
- Programs and services - including a Mental Health First Aid course
consider Canadian and BC associations for specific mental health conditions such as Mood Disorders Association of BC, Schizophrenia Association, etc.
BC Mental health and Substance Use Services [website] - Find out about health care services and resources offered through BC's provincial health service.
4. Resources for Anti-Violence Workers
Browse the following topics below for practical resources created for anti-violence workers who are working with women, children and youth with experiences of violence and substance use/mental health issues.
General | Audio-Visuals | Counselling | Harm Reduction | Motivational Interviewing | Power & Control Wheels | Self-Care & Vicarious Trauma for Anti-Violence Workers | Shelter Practices | Toolkits & Guides | Training | Trauma Informed Practice |
In the realm of hungry ghosts : close encounters with addiction / Gabor Maté. [Book] In this book, physician Gabor Mate, who has worked extensively in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside, explores the roots of addiction and compulsive behaviour by examining his own life and the lives of others. He combines this with the latest research on addiction and the brain. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
Audio-Visuals (DVDs, Online Videos)
Families, Together: Supporting the mental well-being of children and youth [Online videos] - Also available in French, Farsi, Korean, Punjabi, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese
For her own good : emotional resilience after abuse / OAITH. Susan Tiihonen, director. [30 min DVD] This film is a glimpse into the lives of 6 women who have experienced violence and oppression, and have been labelled as having a mental health issue. It was created primarily for feminist anti-violence workers located in women abuse shelters and second stage organizations. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow the DVD; view the discussion guide at http://www.oaith.ca/assets/files/pdfs/SafeForAllmanualMaster.pdf
He drove me mad [DVD, 27 min.] Current responses to victims of domectic violence with mental health and substance abuse problems. How services can help: what to do. How services can re-abuse women: what not to do. Specialised refuge services. The effects of domestic violence. What is domestic violence. There is also a Powerpoint presentation that can be shown from the Teaching Resources disc: "Domestic violence and mental illness/substance abuse." MEMBER FEEDBACK: Useful and recommended to members -- "Presented DVD to staff at our agency. It was great!" Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
Safe for all / OAITH. produced and directed by Susan Tiihonen. [30 min DVD] Explores the concept of harm reduction and examines some of the ways this model can be adopted by Violence Against Women organizations to create inclusive safe spaces for abused women who are using substances. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow the DVD; view the discussion guide at http://www.oaith.ca/assets/files/pdfs/SafeForAllmanualMaster.pdf
Dialogues with madwomen [VHS, 90 min.] / produced by Allie Light and Irving Saraf; directed by Allie Light. Features seven women, including the filmmaker, describing their experiences with manic depression, multiple personalities, schizophrenia, euphoria, and recovery. The social dimensions of women and mental illness are revealed in testimony about sexual assault, incest, racism and homophobia, the abuses of the medical establishment, family, and church. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
A CBT-practitioner's guide to ACT : how to bridge the gap between cognitive behavioral therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy [Book] / Joseph V. Ciarrochi, and Ann Bailey. ompares and contrasts cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT). Information, worksheets and exercises to help practitioners integrate the two therapies is offered. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
Culture-infused counselling / editors: Nancy Arthur and Sandra Collins. [Book] Includes mental health. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
DBT made simple : a step-by-step guide to dialectical behavior therapy [Book] / Sheri Van Dijk. DBT is a powerful, evidence-based treatment for mental health conditions in which clients struggle with emotion regular, such as anger problems, depression and anxiety Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
DBT skills training handouts and worksheets [Book] / Marsha M. Linehan. 225 user-friendly handouts and worksheets for clients in dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) skills training groups or individual therapy. All of the handouts and worksheets discussed in Marsha M. Linehan's DBT Skills Training Manual. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
The mindful therapist : a clinician's guide to mindsight and neural integration [Book]/ Daniel J. Siegel. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
Solution-focused therapy : theory, research & practice / Alasdair J. Macdonald. Chapters on Applying solution-focused brief therapy within mental health services ? Solution-focused approaches to severe mental illness. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
Strengths-based therapy : connecting theory, practice and skills / Elsie Jones-Smith Chapters on Strengths-based therapy and recovery in mental health -- Strengths-based therapy, addiction, and a harm-reduction approach. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
Harm Reduction
OAITH DVD "Safe for All" under Audio-visuals above. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
Harm reduction: pragmatic strategies for managing high-risk behaviors / edited by G. Alan Marlatt [Book] Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
Motivational Interviewing
Building motivational interviewing skills : a practitioner workbook / David B. Rosengren. [Book] "Good workbook for the serious/committed support counselor." * MEMBER RECOMMENDED * Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
Motivational interviewing and stages of change in intimate partner violence application of MI (Motivational Interviewing) and TTM (Transtheoretical Model) strategies to intimate partner violence and abuse. These strategies recognize stages in preparing for, accomplishing and maintaining behaviour change. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
A toolkit of motivational skills : encouraging and supporting change in individuals / Catherine Fuller and Phil Taylor. provides exercises to develop the essential skills of listening and using motivational questions. It offers strategies for working with resistance to change and advice on the practical application of motivational skills in different situations. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
Power & Control Wheels
There are various power and control wheels for mental health and substance abuse.
Self-Care & Vicarious Trauma for Workers
Guidebook on vicarious trauma : recommended solutions for anti-violence workers / [prepared by Jan I. Richardson]. * MEMBER RECOMMENDED * Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow or online at http://www.mollydragiewicz.com/VTguidebook.pdf
The compassion fatigue workbook : creative tools for transforming compassion fatigue and vicarious traumatization / Françoise Mathieu. Offers practical information on self-care to practitioners exposed to secondary traumatic stress in the workplace. It discusses the work-related stress of working with traumatized patients and clients, and presents a four-step process for managing stress and increasing resilience. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
Help for the helper : the psychophysiology of compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma / Babette Rothschild, with Marjorie L. Rand. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
Trauma stewardship : an everyday guide to caring for self while caring for others / Laura van Dernoot Lipsky maps different responses to trauma exposure at work, including 16 warning signs. It offers practical tips and guidelines for personal practice to avoid being overwhelmed. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
Victim advocate's guide to wellness : six dimensions of vicarious trauma-free life / Olga Phoenix. a guide to living healthy and content while thriving in a trauma-related field. Includes tools for addressing vicarious trauma and compassion fatigue.Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
Working with immigrant women : issues and strategies for mental health professionals / edited by Sepali Guruge Focuses on women's mental health and illness following migration and through resettlement. Looks at the challenges and barriers to meeting their needs within the current Canadian mental health care system. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
Shelter Practices & Innovations
Saying yes : effective practices in sheltering abused women with mental health and addiction issues [online document] / Judie Bopp. Some shelters have adopted policy and practice innovations to provide wider access for abused women. This report identifies policy and practice innovations in use and investigates the challenges of transferring effective adaptations to additional shelters.
Mobile App http://www.my3app.org/
Preventing youth suicide: a guide for practitioners / Jennifer White. [online document] MCFD, BC Govt.
Toolkits & Guides
First stage trauma treatment : a guide for mental health professionals working with women / written by Lori Haskell. This guidebook deepens mental health professionals' knowledge of complex post-traumatic stress responses (which include depression, suicidal feelings, substance use problems, difficult or abusive relationships and self-inflicted harm). Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
The hidden majority : a guidebook on alcohol and other drug issues for counsellors who work with women. looks at alcohol and other drug use issues from the perspective of women's lives. It addresses topics such as substances and how they affect women, how to identify when alcohol or other drug use is a problem, guidelines for appropriate use of alcohol and other legal drugs, how to intervene and make appropriate referrals, and enhancing women's health. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
Mothers mental health toolkit : [online document] a resource for the community / developed by Joanne MacDonald and Coleen Flynn.
Designed for community support providers who work with vulnerable mothers and their families. In workbook format, it includes information for service providers and information and worksheets for mothers about mental health promotion, education, screening, intervention and advocacy. It begins with a focus on adaptation to motherhood and the principles of wellness and self-care. It then looks at risks for mental health problems, including family violence. Potential screening tools and simple explanations of interventions and treatments are included. http://www.iwk.nshealth.ca/mmh
Making connections : [online docoument] supporting women with experiences of violence, substance use and/or mental health concerns : a facilitator's guide / written by Louise Godard, Jill Cory, Alexxa Abi-Jaoude, Karen McAndless-Davis and Naomi Armstrong. This curriculum and its delivery are violence- and trauma informed, low-barrier, harm reduction and women-centred. It is intended to help communities offer support groups that give women an opportunity to share their experiences and develop their own knowledge and understanding about violence, and how violence may be connected to substance use and/or mental health concerns.
The hidden majority : a guidebook on alcohol and other drug issues for counsellors who work with women. [Book] This guidebook looks at alcohol and other drug use issues from the perspective of women's lives. It addresses topics such as substances and how they affect women, how to identify when alcohol or other drug use is a problem, guidelines for appropriate use of alcohol and other legal drugs, how to intervene and make appropriate referrals, and enhancing women's health. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
Freedom from violence : tools for working with trauma, mental health and substance abuse : resource tool kit / Written by Tessa Parkes et al. The scope of the tool kit focuses on women who have survived violence and who are dealing with mental health and substance use issues. http://endingviolence.org/publications/freedom-from-violence-tools-for-working-with-trauma-mental-health-and-substance-use/
Seeking safety : a treatment manual for PTSD and substance abuse / Lisa M. Najavits. comprehensive treatment approach developed for persons with the dual diagnosis of PTSD and substance abuse. It provides practical tools and techniques on a variety of treatment topics as well as background information supporting the treatment. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
The substance abuse & recovery workbook : self-assessments, exercises & educational handouts / John J Liptak, a practical tool for helping professionals. It relies on a self-reflective method and includes self-assessment instruments, activity handouts, reflective questions for journaling, and educational handouts to use with individuals or groups. The topics covered include substance abuse, addictive personality, codependency characteristics, relapse warning signs, and substance abuse cessation. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
See the DVDs under Audio-visuals (above) for more training
Mental health first aid course / Canadian Mental Health Association, British Columbia Division. [Training]
Indigenous cultural competency training (costs apply)
Trauma-Informed Practice
Becoming trauma informed / edited by Nancy Poole, Lorraine Greaves. [Book] Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow. * MEMBER RECOMMENDED *
Coalescing on women and substance use : [online document] trauma-informed online tool / Christina Talbot, Nancy Poole, Tasnim Nathoo, Roisin Unsworth and Diane Smylie. There is compelling evidence that women's substance use is linked to their experiences of trauma and violence. http://www.coalescing-vc.org/virtualLearning/documents/trauma-informed-online-tool.pdf
101 trauma-informed interventions : activities, exercises and assignments to move the client and therapy forward / Linda A. Curran. This collection of over 190 tools and techniques are drawn from a variety of trauma treatment traditions, including art therapy, CBT, DBT, EFT, EMDR, energy psychology, focusing Gestalt Therapy, guided imagery, mindfulness, psychodrama, sensorimotor psychology and somatic experiencing and movement therapies. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
Trauma-informed practices with children and adolescents / William Steele sourcebook of practical approaches to working with children and adolescents that synthesizes research from leading trauma specialists and translates it into easy-to-implement techniques. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
5. Resources for Women
In addition to the general resources given in Part 1 above, here are workbooks and other materials you may wish to provide to women who have experiences of violence and mental health/substance use issues.
Anger | Anxiety | Co-occuring Mental Health and Addictions | Depression | Families | Mental Health | PTSD | Substance Use | Suicide
ACT on life not on anger : the new acceptance and commitment therapy guide to problem anger / Georg H. Eifert Based on a psychological approach called acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), this book contains techniques for anger management for adults. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
Anxiety disorders toolkit : information and resources for effective self-management of anxiety and anxiety disorders / prepared by Sarah Newth. This toolkit was designed to help individuals with anxiety disorders develop skills to better manage their symptoms on a day-to-day basis. http://www.heretohelp.bc.ca/sites/default/files/images/adtoolkit.pdf
The anxiety & phobia workbook / Edmund J. Bourne. orkbook describes specific skills needed to overcome anxiety, panic and phobias, and provides step-by-step exercises and procedures for developing those skills.MEMBER FEEDBACK: Recommended to other members. Many women we support suffer from anxiety. -- December 2012.
MEMBER FEEDBACK:"Workers state they would love to have this book on site all the time. Esp. parts re: whether they want to work on managing issue." - October 2015. Recommended to other members. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
Calming your anxious mind : how mindfulness and compassion can free you from anxiety, fear, and panic / Jeffrey Brantley. information about the mechanism of anxiety and offers suggestions on the use of meditation and mindfulness practice in coping with anxiety. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
Co-Occuring Addiction and Mental Health
Living with co-occurring addiction and mental health disorders : a handbook for recovery / Mark McGovernfor people who have both a mental health disorder and a substance use disorder, this book provides information on getting an assessment, reviewing treatment options, selecting a treatment team, setting achievable goals and making positive changes, and building a support network. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
Depression / [online document] Canadian Mental Health Association?s BC Division. This booklet outlines, in clear language, the signs of depression and what can be done to treat it. Includes suggestions for self-care. Also covers grief and how it affects mental health. http://www.heretohelp.bc.ca/factsheet/what-is-depression#extra
Depression toolkit : information and resources for effective self-management of depression / Eric Macnaughton. This toolkit contains resources and strategies for the self-management of depression. http://www.heretohelp.bc.ca/sites/default/files/images/dtoolkit.pdf
Family self-care and recovery from mental illness / [online document] created by Nicole Chovil http://www.heretohelp.bc.ca/sites/default/files/images/Self_Care_Manual.pdf
How you can help: a toolkit for families: a resource for families supporting children, youth and adults with a mental or substance use disorder / Nicol Chovil
This toolkit was designed to be used by families who have a family member with one (or more) of the following disorders: anxiety disorders, eating disorders, mood disorders (bipolar disorder and depression), schizophrenia, or substance use disorders (alcohol or other drug addiction). It highlights some of the common issues that arise for families and things that can be done to address them. http://www.heretohelp.bc.ca/workbook/family-toolkit
Living life to the full : [DVD] a DVD course to help you boost how you feel and tackle low mood and depression.This self-help DVD offers practical tips on how to recognize and deal with depressive symptoms. It is one part of a BC program called Bounce Back, designed to help adults experiencing symptoms of mild to moderate depression, low mood, or stress, with or without anxiety. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
Mental Health
Dialogues with madwomen [VHS] / produced by Allie Light and Irving Saraf Features seven women, including the filmmaker, describing their experiences with manic depression, multiple personalities, schizophrenia, euphoria, and recovery. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
Mental disorders toolkit : information and resources for effective self-management of mental disorders / prepared by Eric Macnaughton. This toolkit was designed to help individuals, regardless of diagnosis, develop skills to better manage mental disorders on a day-to-day basis. http://www.heretohelp.bc.ca/sites/default/files/images/mdtoolkit.pdf
Making connections for women with experiences of abuse / written by Alexxa Abi-Jaoude, Louise Godard, Jill Cory, Karen McAndless-Davis and Naomi Armstrong. intended to help women make sense of their experiences of abuse, how it might be connected to physical and mental health, and how it might be connected to social and financial well-being. http://www.bcwomens.ca/Population-Health-Promotion-Site/Documents/mc_handbook_web_2013.pdf (See also the facilitator's guide in Part 4 above)
Tips for good mental health / [online document] Canadian Mental Health Association?s BC Division. This booklet outlines, in clear language, different ways to take care of mental health to help individuals handle stress and take care of problems. http://heretohelp.bc.ca/sites/default/files/Tips-Good-MH-LOWRES.pdf
What is a mental illness? / [online document] Canadian Mental Health Association?s BC Division. This booklet briefly describes, in clear language, five types of mental illness: mood disorders, anxiety disorders, psychotic disorders, eating disorders, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. It then outlines in general what can be done to treat mental illness. http://heretohelp.bc.ca/sites/default/files/WhatIs-LOWRES.pdf
Women, abuse and trauma therapy : an information guide for women and their families / Lori Haskell. This guide was written to help women in therapy or looking for a therapist to help them deal with the long-term effects of repeated experiences of abuse and violence. It includes information on what to expect from therapy, how to choose a therapist, how to know if it's helping, and how to get support. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
Overcoming trauma and PTSD : a workbook integrating skills from ACT, DBT, and CBT / Sheela Raja treatments based on acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to help people who have experienced traumatic events overcome both the physical and emotional symptoms of trauma and PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). It includes worksheets, checklists, and exercises. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
The post-traumatic stress disorder sourcebook : a guide to healing, recovery, and growth / Glenn R. Schiraldi. a wide variety of treatment alternatives and self-management techniques for individuals suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
The PTSD workbook : simple, effective techniques for overcoming traumatic stress symptoms / Mary Beth Williams, Soili Poijula. designed to help individuals determine the type of trauma they experienced, identify their symptoms, and learn effective strategies to manage their symptoms. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
Substance Use
The mindfulness workbook for addiction: a guide to coping with the grief, stress, and anger that trigger addictive behaviors. / Willians. Helps identify the root of addictive behaviours while providing healthy coping strategies to deal with stress, anxiety, and depression. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
You and substance use : [online document] stuff to think about... and ways to make changes / Centre for Addictions Research of BC. In a friendly, non-judgemental, plain-language style, this resource uses the best information from research to guide you through the process of understanding more about the role of alcohol or other drugs in your life. It uses stories, quotes, cartoons, and lots of questions and tips to help you be more curious and thoughtful, wherever you are on your journey to making changes. http://www.heretohelp.bc.ca/sites/default/files/you_and_substance_use_workbook.pdf
The wisdom to know the difference : an acceptance and commitment therapy workbook for overcoming substance abuse / Kelly G. Wilson demonstrates how to use acceptance, mindfulness, and values-oriented strategies, either alone or in combination with a twelve-step program, to overcome substance abuse MEMBER FEEDBACK: The book was helpful to a number of us - from MH to others involved in 12 step group. Would recommend. June 2012. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
A woman's journal : helping women recover : a program for treating addiction / Stephanie S. Covington.This resource presents a 4 module program to help women who abuse alcohol and other drugs. The modules address self, relationships, sexuality, and spirituality, four areas that women identify as triggers for relapse. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
Suicide / [online document] Canadian Mental Health Association?s BC Division.
This booklet briefly outlines, in clear language, what to do if you are thinking of suicide and how to protect yourself from suicide. It also covers how to help someone who is thinking about suicide and how to cope if a loved one dies by suicide. http://heretohelp.bc.ca/sites/default/files/Suicide-LOWRES.pdf
6. Resources for Children & Youth
Angry animals [Game] : a board game teaching healthy expression of anger.MEMBER FEEDBACK: "Children enjoyed it!" -- June 2013.
MEMBER FEEDBACK: Recommended to other BCSTH members - August 2013.
MEMBER FEEDBACK: "This game is excellent! I had kids request to play it multiple times." Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
Beyond the blues : a workbook to help teens overcome depression [Book] / Lisa M. Schab. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
Dealing with depression (DWD) [website] BC Mental Health & Substance Use Services.rovide teens with accurate information about depression. It teaches a set of skills that can use to help overcome depression. http://www.mcf.gov.bc.ca/mental_health/teen.htm
Dr Playwell's worry-less game [Game] developed by Lawrence E. Shapiro This board game is suitable for ages 6-12 and is designed for 2-4 players.MEMBER FEEDBACK: Useful and recommended to members - "Great game! Suitable for all elementary grades" - June 2010.
MEMBER FEEDBACK: Useful and recommended to members - "Great for all (up to 10 1/2 years)" -- April 2011.
MEMBER FEEDBACK: Useful and recommended to members - "Useful game in the tradition of Talking, Feeling, Doing." -- June 2013. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
An elephant in the living room : the children's book [Book] Jill M. Hastings, and An elephant in the living room : a leader's guide for helping children of alcoholics / designed to help children from age seven to early adolescence cope with problems of living with a problem-drinking or drug-abusing father, mother, sister, or brother. It is intended to be used with the companion leader's guide and is primarily for use in group settings. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
It's a teen's world : [DVD] wired for sex, lies and power trips / Three diverse groups of Toronto teens examine the consequences of their provocative, hyper-sexualized social world. It shows how sexual aggression fueled by personal technology and media contributes to a culture of harassment in adolescents. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
The kid's guide to taming worry dragons [Book] by Dr. Sandra Clark Designed for children, this small book presents concise information about worry, how it affects kids, and tools for coping with worry. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
Mindful moments [Game] Betty Rudd,
MEMBER FEEDBACK: "The children in my group love the cards and always are excited to read them right at the end of our session." -- Jan 2014.
MEMBER FEEDBACK: "Very useful for CWWA work. I would recommend using them with children to introduce the idea of mindfulness." -- April 2015.
MEMBER FEEDBACK: "These cards were exactly what I was hoping for." -- October 2015 Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
School resources for BC : [web site] Heretohelp.There HeretoHelp project has created a searchable database of educational resources for schools that are related to mental health promotion, mental illness and/or substance use. It includes programs, services, and resources currently available and used in or by K-12 schools. http://www.heretohelp.bc.ca/schools
Spin the bottle [DVD] : sex, lies and alcohol /
Understanding drug issues : a photocopiable resource workbook [Book] / David Emmett Designed for use with groups of young people, the purpose is to help them make informed judgements and decisions about drug use. Each exercise includes an outline, purpose and expected outcome, method, notes for teacher or group leader, and follow-up exercises as well as the photocopiable student material. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
Anger | Anxiety | Co-occuring Mental Health and Addictions | Depression | Families | Mental Health | PTSD | Substance Use | Suicide
ACT on life not on anger : the new acceptance and commitment therapy guide to problem anger / Georg H. Eifert Based on a psychological approach called acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), this book contains techniques for anger management for adults. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
Anxiety disorders toolkit : information and resources for effective self-management of anxiety and anxiety disorders / prepared by Sarah Newth. This toolkit was designed to help individuals with anxiety disorders develop skills to better manage their symptoms on a day-to-day basis. http://www.heretohelp.bc.ca/sites/default/files/images/adtoolkit.pdf
The anxiety & phobia workbook / Edmund J. Bourne. orkbook describes specific skills needed to overcome anxiety, panic and phobias, and provides step-by-step exercises and procedures for developing those skills.MEMBER FEEDBACK: Recommended to other members. Many women we support suffer from anxiety. -- December 2012.
MEMBER FEEDBACK:"Workers state they would love to have this book on site all the time. Esp. parts re: whether they want to work on managing issue." - October 2015. Recommended to other members. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
Calming your anxious mind : how mindfulness and compassion can free you from anxiety, fear, and panic / Jeffrey Brantley. information about the mechanism of anxiety and offers suggestions on the use of meditation and mindfulness practice in coping with anxiety. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
Co-Occuring Addiction and Mental Health
Living with co-occurring addiction and mental health disorders : a handbook for recovery / Mark McGovernfor people who have both a mental health disorder and a substance use disorder, this book provides information on getting an assessment, reviewing treatment options, selecting a treatment team, setting achievable goals and making positive changes, and building a support network. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
Depression / [online document] Canadian Mental Health Association?s BC Division. This booklet outlines, in clear language, the signs of depression and what can be done to treat it. Includes suggestions for self-care. Also covers grief and how it affects mental health. http://www.heretohelp.bc.ca/factsheet/what-is-depression#extra
Depression toolkit : information and resources for effective self-management of depression / Eric Macnaughton. This toolkit contains resources and strategies for the self-management of depression. http://www.heretohelp.bc.ca/sites/default/files/images/dtoolkit.pdf
Family self-care and recovery from mental illness / [online document] created by Nicole Chovil http://www.heretohelp.bc.ca/sites/default/files/images/Self_Care_Manual.pdf
How you can help: a toolkit for families: a resource for families supporting children, youth and adults with a mental or substance use disorder / Nicol Chovil
This toolkit was designed to be used by families who have a family member with one (or more) of the following disorders: anxiety disorders, eating disorders, mood disorders (bipolar disorder and depression), schizophrenia, or substance use disorders (alcohol or other drug addiction). It highlights some of the common issues that arise for families and things that can be done to address them. http://www.heretohelp.bc.ca/workbook/family-toolkit
Living life to the full : [DVD] a DVD course to help you boost how you feel and tackle low mood and depression.This self-help DVD offers practical tips on how to recognize and deal with depressive symptoms. It is one part of a BC program called Bounce Back, designed to help adults experiencing symptoms of mild to moderate depression, low mood, or stress, with or without anxiety. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
Mental Health
Dialogues with madwomen [VHS] / produced by Allie Light and Irving Saraf Features seven women, including the filmmaker, describing their experiences with manic depression, multiple personalities, schizophrenia, euphoria, and recovery. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
Mental disorders toolkit : information and resources for effective self-management of mental disorders / prepared by Eric Macnaughton. This toolkit was designed to help individuals, regardless of diagnosis, develop skills to better manage mental disorders on a day-to-day basis. http://www.heretohelp.bc.ca/sites/default/files/images/mdtoolkit.pdf
Making connections for women with experiences of abuse / written by Alexxa Abi-Jaoude, Louise Godard, Jill Cory, Karen McAndless-Davis and Naomi Armstrong. intended to help women make sense of their experiences of abuse, how it might be connected to physical and mental health, and how it might be connected to social and financial well-being. http://www.bcwomens.ca/Population-Health-Promotion-Site/Documents/mc_handbook_web_2013.pdf (See also the facilitator's guide in Part 4 above)
Tips for good mental health / [online document] Canadian Mental Health Association?s BC Division. This booklet outlines, in clear language, different ways to take care of mental health to help individuals handle stress and take care of problems. http://heretohelp.bc.ca/sites/default/files/Tips-Good-MH-LOWRES.pdf
What is a mental illness? / [online document] Canadian Mental Health Association?s BC Division. This booklet briefly describes, in clear language, five types of mental illness: mood disorders, anxiety disorders, psychotic disorders, eating disorders, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. It then outlines in general what can be done to treat mental illness. http://heretohelp.bc.ca/sites/default/files/WhatIs-LOWRES.pdf
Women, abuse and trauma therapy : an information guide for women and their families / Lori Haskell. This guide was written to help women in therapy or looking for a therapist to help them deal with the long-term effects of repeated experiences of abuse and violence. It includes information on what to expect from therapy, how to choose a therapist, how to know if it's helping, and how to get support. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
Overcoming trauma and PTSD : a workbook integrating skills from ACT, DBT, and CBT / Sheela Raja treatments based on acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to help people who have experienced traumatic events overcome both the physical and emotional symptoms of trauma and PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). It includes worksheets, checklists, and exercises. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
The post-traumatic stress disorder sourcebook : a guide to healing, recovery, and growth / Glenn R. Schiraldi. a wide variety of treatment alternatives and self-management techniques for individuals suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
The PTSD workbook : simple, effective techniques for overcoming traumatic stress symptoms / Mary Beth Williams, Soili Poijula. designed to help individuals determine the type of trauma they experienced, identify their symptoms, and learn effective strategies to manage their symptoms. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
Substance Use
The mindfulness workbook for addiction: a guide to coping with the grief, stress, and anger that trigger addictive behaviors. / Willians. Helps identify the root of addictive behaviours while providing healthy coping strategies to deal with stress, anxiety, and depression. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
You and substance use : [online document] stuff to think about... and ways to make changes / Centre for Addictions Research of BC. In a friendly, non-judgemental, plain-language style, this resource uses the best information from research to guide you through the process of understanding more about the role of alcohol or other drugs in your life. It uses stories, quotes, cartoons, and lots of questions and tips to help you be more curious and thoughtful, wherever you are on your journey to making changes. http://www.heretohelp.bc.ca/sites/default/files/you_and_substance_use_workbook.pdf
The wisdom to know the difference : an acceptance and commitment therapy workbook for overcoming substance abuse / Kelly G. Wilson demonstrates how to use acceptance, mindfulness, and values-oriented strategies, either alone or in combination with a twelve-step program, to overcome substance abuse MEMBER FEEDBACK: The book was helpful to a number of us - from MH to others involved in 12 step group. Would recommend. June 2012. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
A woman's journal : helping women recover : a program for treating addiction / Stephanie S. Covington.This resource presents a 4 module program to help women who abuse alcohol and other drugs. The modules address self, relationships, sexuality, and spirituality, four areas that women identify as triggers for relapse. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
Suicide / [online document] Canadian Mental Health Association?s BC Division.
This booklet briefly outlines, in clear language, what to do if you are thinking of suicide and how to protect yourself from suicide. It also covers how to help someone who is thinking about suicide and how to cope if a loved one dies by suicide. http://heretohelp.bc.ca/sites/default/files/Suicide-LOWRES.pdf
6. Resources for Children & Youth
In addition to the general resources given in Part 1 above, here are workbooks and other materials for children and youth about mental health and substance use.
Angry animals [Game] : a board game teaching healthy expression of anger.MEMBER FEEDBACK: "Children enjoyed it!" -- June 2013.
MEMBER FEEDBACK: Recommended to other BCSTH members - August 2013.
MEMBER FEEDBACK: "This game is excellent! I had kids request to play it multiple times." Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
Beyond the blues : a workbook to help teens overcome depression [Book] / Lisa M. Schab. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
Dealing with depression (DWD) [website] BC Mental Health & Substance Use Services.rovide teens with accurate information about depression. It teaches a set of skills that can use to help overcome depression. http://www.mcf.gov.bc.ca/mental_health/teen.htm
Dr Playwell's worry-less game [Game] developed by Lawrence E. Shapiro This board game is suitable for ages 6-12 and is designed for 2-4 players.MEMBER FEEDBACK: Useful and recommended to members - "Great game! Suitable for all elementary grades" - June 2010.
MEMBER FEEDBACK: Useful and recommended to members - "Great for all (up to 10 1/2 years)" -- April 2011.
MEMBER FEEDBACK: Useful and recommended to members - "Useful game in the tradition of Talking, Feeling, Doing." -- June 2013. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
An elephant in the living room : the children's book [Book] Jill M. Hastings, and An elephant in the living room : a leader's guide for helping children of alcoholics / designed to help children from age seven to early adolescence cope with problems of living with a problem-drinking or drug-abusing father, mother, sister, or brother. It is intended to be used with the companion leader's guide and is primarily for use in group settings. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
Helping Children Affected by Parental Substance Abuse: Activities and Photocopiable Worksheets [Book] Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
It's a teen's world : [DVD] wired for sex, lies and power trips / Three diverse groups of Toronto teens examine the consequences of their provocative, hyper-sexualized social world. It shows how sexual aggression fueled by personal technology and media contributes to a culture of harassment in adolescents. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
The kid's guide to taming worry dragons [Book] by Dr. Sandra Clark Designed for children, this small book presents concise information about worry, how it affects kids, and tools for coping with worry. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
Mindful moments [Game] Betty Rudd,
MEMBER FEEDBACK: "The children in my group love the cards and always are excited to read them right at the end of our session." -- Jan 2014.
MEMBER FEEDBACK: "Very useful for CWWA work. I would recommend using them with children to introduce the idea of mindfulness." -- April 2015.
MEMBER FEEDBACK: "These cards were exactly what I was hoping for." -- October 2015 Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
School resources for BC : [web site] Heretohelp.There HeretoHelp project has created a searchable database of educational resources for schools that are related to mental health promotion, mental illness and/or substance use. It includes programs, services, and resources currently available and used in or by K-12 schools. http://www.heretohelp.bc.ca/schools
Spin the bottle [DVD] : sex, lies and alcohol /
"By exploring the college party scene, Spin the Bottle shows the difficulties students have in navigating a cultural environment saturated with messages about gender and alcohol" MEMBER FEEDBACK: "Good resource for older high school groups. Language is American. Preview before using." -- August 30, 2010. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow. |
Teaching social skills to youth with mental health disorders : incorporating social skills into treatment planning for 109 disorders [Book] Jennifer Resetar Volz After an introduction to mental health assessment and evaluation tools and a discussion of the importance of skill teaching in treating mental health disorders, a series of charts list the social skills that caregivers and treatment providers might target for specific diagnoses common in children and adolescents. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
Teen anger workbook : facilitator reproducible self-assessments, exercises & educational handouts [Book] / John J. Liptak
MEMBER FEEDBACK: "This is a great resource and learning tool to use with youth." -- February 2015.
MEMBER FEEDBACK: ""This is a great set of workbooks (with Teen Choices and Teen Self-Esteem). I would definitely use them with some of my teenage clients and would like to purchase them in future as a valuable resource." -- July 2015. Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow. Teen choices workbook : facilitator reproducible self-assessments, exercises & educational handouts [Book] / John J. Liptak, Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow. |
When a Family is in Trouble: Children Can Cope with Grief from Drug and Alcohol Addiction [Book] Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
Wishes and Worries: Coping with a Parent Who Drinks Too Much Alcohol [Book] Email library@bcsth.ca to borrow.
7. Resources for Deeper Reading, Research and Reports
We have many more resources in the BCSTH Library Catalogue.
Deb & Tina, Co-Librarians
BC Society of Transition Houses
BC Society of Transition Houses
Vancouver, British Columbia